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MyFWT Mission: Sharing the love of Jesus Christ with everyone, including those lost, struggling, addicted or feeling broken.
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MyFWT Mission: Sharing the love of Jesus Christ with everyone, including those lost, struggling, addicted or feeling broken.
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Are you keeping your eyes on sin and temptation? If you are, most likely you are running right into it as your attention is going towards them.
Turn your eyes and face to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith and He will make a way for you. His way is the only way you need to go.
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WHAT IS REPENTANCE? Use this video to help you better understand the issue of repentance. There are more videos to follow which will continue to shed more light on this topic.
Do you get bogged down by guilt, shame and sorrow lingering in your life? Is sin weighing heavy on you...on your mind, your body, your spirit? Break through, break free and break off the yoke that these things put upon you to slow you down from living the life God has desired for you to live.
As time draws near, and the end approaches, repentance becomes more and more important for you in establishing your relationship with Jesus. Look in the Bible, look and see who were sinners who repented, the quite powerful sinners that God used. Paul (Saul) was a murderer, yet upon his conversion, he wrote 13 letters in the Bible: King David was a murderer and adulterer, he wrote a large portion of the book of Psalms: Moses was a murderer, he wrote the first 5 books of the Bible (Genesis to Deuteronomy). God can take anyone and utilize anyone for the glory of His Kingdom. God can use you. God can use me. God can use non-believers as well as believers for His glory.
As time draws near, and the end approaches, repentance becomes more and more important for you in establishing your relationship with Jesus. Look in the Bible, for story upon story of repentance. This episode covers Jonah's escapades ending up with him finally adhering to God's will to save a city and it's inhabitants.
Many people get stuck in that vicious cycle of sin, feel crappy, vow never to do it again, then again and again. Then one is good for a week or two, maybe 3 then wham, back into the same sin cycle. There has to be proper repentance a heart-felt repentance, one that is authentic and true.
Society wants us to feel crappy and shame, and guilt for our sins. The truth is there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. When we give our heart to the Lord, believe Jesus is the Lord of our life, repent and be baptized, and receive the Holy Spirit we are a new creation. The old stuff no longer matter, the consequences matter, but the guilt, shame and self condemnation are satan's tricks to keep us stressed, depressed and looking for the answer that never comes.
Jesus is the only way, the only truth and the only Life.
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If yours is one of despair, brokenness, feeling lost or one of addiction, it's your story, I have a story, we all have a story. I welcome an opportunity to hear yours. The intention here is not for counselling but as peer support providing Gospel centred guidance.
If yours is a story of Salvation, deliverance or healing through Jesus, I would love to hear it and with your permission share it with others who may need to hear and be inspired by your words.
Been there too. Wherever it was, I was there, lost.
There are many people who are lost. There are many people who find Jesus when they are lost, and He picks them up, and guides them on the path He has laid out for them. He made a way for me.
Jesus said: "I am the way..". Trust in Him.
I get it. I've been there.
When you feel broken, you're feeling disjointed, and your faith walk is disrupted...the Bible offers you hope and a future, providing a faith walk that is growing and becoming more solid and strong in its' foundation.
That foundation: Jesus
4-5 "Every God-born person conquers the world’s ways. The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our FAITH. The person who wins out over the world’s ways is simply the one who believes Jesus is the Son of God."
Your FAITH brings the world, this current culture, to its' knees.
Your faith and knowing Jesus is the light of the world, and you are the light of the world because Jesus is within you, brings the current system to its knees.
If the world says "do this or else"... Say, "I'll take the else". That is the boldness. courageousness and strength of your faith. Speak it and live it.
God's promises are there for you. There are over 8000 promises in the Bible. When you read the promises, ask God in prayer to fulfill the promises that He wrote. God's promises are to be fulfilled for you.
Boost and strengthen your faith by decreeing and declaring out loud the promises of God’s Word.
What are His promises?
How can we walk in truth and faith with them?
The Bible is filled with the promises of God. From Genesis to Revelation we read of normal people that received the promises of God. These promises are sealed by the highest authority, God's Word
Great videos, new content, and content released and added regularly to the Youtube Channel
Scriptural capsules are short videos about important scriptures that can renew your mind and heart when life circumstances jump on you.
All you need to do is read them twice and day and meditate on them, letting the Holy Spirit speak into your life.
Listen and hear that still small voice
Everyone has a life story. Some are more severe and involved than others. The stories of salvation to Jesus Christ are always memorable. Watch video testimonials with real stories and real salvation.
There are mountains of evidence that archaeologically prove the validity and the accuracy of the Bible. Check out these videos by Dr. James as he matches up scripture with ancient findings.
We love our neighbours from all over the world, so feel free to connect with us anytime from anywhere.
God does not own a watch. But He has a plan for you in His time.
Although we do sleep, our website is open, and God is always awake.
Click the link below to connect and leave us a message.
Tell us about your faith walk.
Let us know if you want someone to walk with you in faith, prayer and/or guidance.
The role of Salvation is to develop an intimacy with Jesus, a relationship so strong, that He becomes your best friend, your comforter, your healer and so much more. It is this fellowship with Him that makes all the difference for our salvation.
We can’t earn salvation; we are saved by God’s grace when we have faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. All you have to do is believe you are a sinner, Jesus is the son of God, that Christ died for your sins, believe He was resurrected and then ask His forgiveness.
God has an impossible dream waiting for you. What is it you ask? That is for you to discover in prayer to your Heavenly Father. You can not do that impossible dream by your own expertise, skill, knowledge, money or time, you need FAITH.
Faith is designed for that impossible dream that God has waiting to give you. That dream is going to set the captives free.
You can't do the impossible and there's no way you can figure out how, so...
just have FAITH!
Meet James. Get to know about he and Jesus.
Jesus said in John 14:6:
"I am the way" We can never get lost when with Him.
"and the truth" Enemy's lies won't win against Jesus.
"and the life"Having eternity with our Heavenly Father.
All glory to God.
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